A proposal to ban the sale of flavored tobacco products in Albany County, N.Y. failed to advance during the legislature’s meeting on Tuesday, as it didn’t gain the support of enough legislators to continue its journey.

The bill needed 20 votes to advance, but managed just an 18-17 approval, with one legislator abstaining and three members absent from the vote. It required a minimum of 20 votes in favor of it to advance.

While the proposal will not advance this year, Paul Miller, the legislator who sponsored the bill, told TimesUnion.com that the bill will likely return for another debate during the 2020 session.

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Patrick Lagreid

I strive to capture the essence of a cigar and the people behind them in my work – every cigar you light up is the culmination of the work of countless people and often represents generations of struggle and stories. For me, it’s about so much more than the cigar – it’s about the story behind it, the experience of enjoying the work of artisans and the way that a good cigar can bring people together. In addition to my work with halfwheel, I’m the public address announcer for the Colorado Rockies and Arizona Diamondbacks during spring training, as well as for the Salt River Rafters of the Arizona Fall League, the WNBA's Phoenix Mercury and previously the Arizona Rattlers of the Indoor Football League. I also work in a number of roles for Major League Baseball, plus I'm a voice over artist. Prior to joining halfwheel, I covered the Phoenix and national cigar scene for Examiner.com, and was an editor for Cigar Snob magazine.