2023 Awards: Packaging Top 10

In addition to naming our favorite cigars, each year, we create a list of our favorite packaging designs.

The tradition of the annual Packaging Awards pre-dates halfwheel, but has been an annual feature since our very first year. Each year, members of the halfwheel team nominate their very new packaging designs, which are then ranked by the full team. This is the 2023 Packaging Awards.

Packaging Awards Rules:

  • New Packaging — This is pretty simple: the packaging must debut in 2023. By "debut," we mean it must ship to stores for the first time in 2023. This does not mean the cigar needs to ship for the first time in 2023—reworked packaging like AGANORSA Leaf's Rare Leaf Reserve—is eligible. Items that are shown off in 2023 but do not ship to stores until after the end of year are not considered for this list. The items must also be sold in a retail fashion, meaning limited edition humidors for auction are not eligible.
  • Primarily a New Design — Some companies will take existing products and place them inside a special humidor, we won't consider these "new" designs if most of the branding is entirely the same.
  • One of Us Needs to See It in Person — One of the four members of the halfwheel team (Brian, Brooks, Patrick, or I) needs to see it in person.
  • Retailer Exclusives Are Allowed — This was a new rule for 2021.

The way we determine the list is pretty simple:

  1. Nominations — Throughout the year, any of the four halfwheel staff members are able to nominate however many items they want for consideration so long as they meet the above qualifications.
  2. Voting — At the end of the year, each of us was asked to rank the 16 nominations from 1-16. A first-place vote translated into one point, a second-place vote meant two points, etc. We added up all the results and the 10 items with the lowest final scores made the list.

There are no guidelines about what to consider or how to vote. Some of us value innovation more than final design, and some of us value craftsmanship more than innovation. Each year, the voting tends to produce some clear contenders at the top of the list, but very diverse preferences everywhere else. That makes sense for any number of reasons, not the least of which is because these are awards about design, a very subjective viewpoint.