This year marked the 30th anniversary of the AVO cigar brand, a milestone which was celebrated with a number of limited editions and limited production lines.
The AVO 22 was one of the first limited edition cigars released by the brand in 2002. It came in a wooden canister that held 19 cigars for the American release, with the European and Asian release featuring a smaller ring gauge allowing for 22 cigars to a canister.
For the 30th anniversary, the AVO 22 30 Years comes in a wooden canister once again, with some updated theming that matches the orange, silver, gold and white packaging that was used for the 30th anniversary releases. While a brightly-colored orange tag replaces the simple factory tags that were sealed to the original canisters, the little details like this that pay homage to the iconic AVO 22 certainly makes for impressive packaging. — Brian Burt.