There will be a new 1502 cigar heading to the online store of Casa de Montecristo by Serious Cigar.
The retailer will begin selling the 1502 Serious Cigar, a 6 x 50 Nicaraguan puro. As with the rest of the 1502 Cigars line-up, production is being handled by Plasencia Cigars S.A. in Estelí, Nicaragua.
Production is limited to just 100 boxes of 10 cigars with pricing set at $13 per cigar. Sales will happen via Serious’ website and not in its Houston-based stores.
While 1502 Cigars has paid tribute to Nicaragua before, the home country of the brand’s founder Enrique Sánchez, this is perhaps the most visual example to date with two pieces of ribbon being used to create an image reminiscent to the Nicaraguan flag.