Following up on the sales success of the CAO Hurricane, General Cigar Co. is launching a series of regional cigars named after natural disasters, aptly called the CAO Natural Disasters.

Four different 6 x 54 blends will sent to various regions of the country. The central U.S. will receive the CAO Cyclone, which features a Connecticut broadleaf wrapper. Heading to the East is the CAO Heatwave. That cigar features an Ecuadorian wrapper, Nicaraguan binder and Nicaraguan filler.

The west region will get the Earthquake which has a Nicaraguan wrapper and binder and fillers from Honduras and Nicaragua.

Returning to the southeast will be the CAO Hurricane. According to the company’s website the cigar features a Nicaraguan wrapper from Jalapa, a Honduran binder and fillers from the Dominican Republic, Honduras and Nicaragua.

Each cigar is limited to 1,500 boxes and will be sold in 10-count dome boxes, similar to how the Hurricane was offered last year.

Pricing is around $8 and the cigars are expected to begin shipping this week.

Update (April, 21, 2014): CAO’s Rick Rodriguez has posted the following.

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Charlie Minato

I am an editor and co-founder of Media, LLC. I previously co-founded and published TheCigarFeed, one of the two predecessors of halfwheel. I have written about the cigar industry for more than a decade, covering everything from product launches to regulation to M&A. In addition, I handle a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff here at halfwheel. I enjoy playing tennis, watching boxing, falling asleep to the Le Mans 24, wearing sweatshirts year-round and eating gyros. echte liebe.