Bolívar Soberanos (EL 2018)
On Nov. 19, 2018, Habanos S.A. formally debuted the second of what would eventually consist of three different Edición Limitada releases for 2018: the Bolívar…
Bolívar Soberanos EL 2018 to Launch This Month
Another of the 2018 Edición Limitada releases from Habanos S.A. is getting ready for its global launch, as the Bolívar Soberanos Edición Limitada is slated…
Habanos S.A. Announces Romeo y Julieta Grand Churchills, Shows Off 2018 Releases
Habanos S.A. has formally announced its products for 2018 and while most of the items were known about last year, at least one is new…
2018 Habanos Release List Confirmed (Update)
The list of new Cuban cigars for 2018 appears to have emerged. Tabak-Kontor, which operates the La Casa del Habano franchise in the Eastern German…