February 17, 2014 (Basel, Switzerland) — Davidoff’s “Short Pleasures” Assortment responds to the rising need of aficionados to be able to enjoy a short, relaxing break in their hectic everyday lives. The assortment offers a great selection of Davidoff’s rich blends in shorter formats, to be enjoyed in 30 to 45 minutes. Thanks to the different cigar formats and blends, modern cigar lovers can discover and enjoy, depending on their mood and the time of day, the milder “Entreacto” and “Grand Cru” No. 5, the richer and more intense “Millennium Blend” Short Robusto or Davidoff “Puro d’Oro” Gorditos. The cigar strength indicator inside the assortment pack helps you choose the right cigar for a specific occasion. All four cigars are shown on the back of the pack on a scale of 1:2.
The assortment allows aficionados to discover the recently introduced and very popular “Puro d’Oro” Gorditos, which respond to the trend toward shorter cigars with larger ring gauges (3¾″ x 58) and combines robust flavors and richness to provide an intense experience in a relatively short period of time.
Davidoff’s “Short Pleasures” Assortment encourages one not only to find time to chill out and relax with a premium cigar but also proves that enjoying a Davidoff cigar, whatever time the aficionado may have, is Time Beautifully Filled.
The Davidoff “Short Pleasures” Assortment is also an ideal gift and available from selected tobacconists worldwide since beginning of February 2014.
Davidoff “Short Pleasures” Assortment
Davidoff “Puro d’Oro” Gordito
- Wrapper: Dominican Republic (Yamasá)
- Binder: Dominican Republic
- Filler: Dominican Republic
- Aroma: Strong flavour
Davidoff “Millenium Blend” Short Robusto
- Wrapper: Ecuador
- Binder: Dominican Republic
- Filler: Dominican Republic
- Aroma: Medium flavour
Davidoff “Grand Cru” No. 5
- Wrapper: Ecuador
- Binder: Dominican Republic
- Filler: Dominican Republic
- Aroma: Mild to medium flavour
Davidoff “Entreacto”
- Wrapper: Ecuador
- Binder: Dominican Republic
- Filler: Dominican Republic
- Aroma: Mild
Price $47.60 (4-piece box)