Day 2’s lunch was a little different, beginning with the fact that I actually snapped a picture of the food. Taste-wise, the pork loin plate—filled with string beans, potatoes, and a bun, all bathed in brackish gravy—harkened back to my old days at the Boston Market drive-thru in the Atlantic City area. The team more or less ate together today, which was nice, though it ended up being a silent group activity, kind of like church.
A rhythm has been established for the halfwheel team on Day 2. Posts are scheduled, more are in the can, and the halfwheel team continues to scour the show floor.
For me, I’ve begun to internalize the halfwheel process of editing and posting to the point of instinct, which is an omen of some kind. Whether good or bad, I can’t tell. At this very moment, I’ve got two “Bradley boys,” (Alec Bradley cigars) as Patrick refers to them, in front of me, begging to be smoked. That will likely occur later and be published on social media accordingly.
I’m not telling you what’s for lunch tomorrow, though I already know ;).