An attempt to tax cigars in the state of New Hampshire has once again failed.
Last week, the New Hampshire House Ways & Means Committee voted 16-3 against H.B. 438, which would have removed the current exemption on tobacco taxes for cigars. The committee has declared it “inexpedient to legislate,” meaning it will not pass the bill in its current session.
H.B. 438 would not just add tobacco taxes to cigars in New Hampshire, it would have been one of the highest cigar taxes in the nation at 65.03 percent of the wholesale price. That means a cigar that has an MSRP of $9.50, and retails for that price in New Hampshire, would have increased to $15.68 per halfwheel estimates.
New Hampshire is one of three states—the others being Florida and Pennsylvania—and the District of Columbia that does not have an added tax on cigars.