The annual tradition of cigar makers releasing smaller cigars for the colder winter months is about to begin.

Asylum Cigars— largely known for its 60, 70 and 80 ring gauge offerings—will be releasing a new cigar called Twenty Minute Toms, a 4 x 48 Rothschild made of Honduran corojo. The name is a reference to Tom Lazuka, the co-founder of Asylum.

Pricing is set at $6 and it will be sold in five-packs. The company expects to begin shipping the cigars during the second week of November.

It is being produced at The CLE Factory in Danlí, Honduras, which was formerly known as El Aladino.

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Charlie Minato

I am an editor and co-founder of Media, LLC. I previously co-founded and published TheCigarFeed, one of the two predecessors of halfwheel. I have written about the cigar industry for more than a decade, covering everything from product launches to regulation to M&A. In addition, I handle a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff here at halfwheel. I enjoy playing tennis, watching boxing, falling asleep to the Le Mans 24, wearing sweatshirts year-round and eating gyros. echte liebe.