Arango Cigar Co. has added the Rocky Patel Big Shoulders, a new exclusive for its distribution portfolio.
The cigar is a 6 x 60 gordo that uses a shade-grown Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, a Mexican San Andrés binder, and fillers from Honduras and Nicaragua. The company described the profile as being “a mild to medium bodied smoke, smooth and creamy with a nutty core and a hint of sweetness.”
Big Shoulders is produced at Plasencia’s Tabacos de Oriente in Danlí, Honduras.
The cigar gets its name from a nickname for the city of Chicago, as Arango Cigar Co. is located in the suburb of Northbrook. The original term was coined by poet Carl Sandburg in his 1914 work, “Chicago,” as he referred to Chicago as the “City of Big Shoulders” when describing the city as “stormy, husky [and] brawling.”
Pricing for the Rocky Patel Big Shoulders is set at $9.50 per cigar and $190 for a box of 20 cigars, both before taxes.
This is the second Big Shoulders release for Arango Cigar Co., as the company added the Perfecto Garcia Big Shoulders, a 6 x 60 gordo that is offered with a natural wrapper option using an Ecuadorian wrapper over a Nicaraguan binder and fillers from the Dominican Republic, Honduras and Nicaragua. That cigar is produced at Nicaragua American Cigars S.A. (NACSA) in Estelí.
Update (June 11, 2024) — A representative from Arango Cigar Co. provided additional information about the cigar, which has been added to the story. Additionally, there was a reference to the cigar as Broad Shoulders, that has been corrected, we regret the error.
Image courtesy of Arango Cigar Co.